State Management

NeoDash is an application with a complex internal state. If you are planning to extend the application state in some way, make sure you are familiar with Redux design patterns.

The app’s entire state object is encapsulated in the following JSON structure:

  "dashboard": {
    "title": "My Dashboard Name",
    "version": "2.4",
    "settings": {
      "pagenumber": 0,
      "editable": true,
      "parameters": {
    "pages": [
  "application": {
  "version": "2.1.0"

At the highest level, this object consists of three entries:

  • dashboard: all state related to the currently active dashboard. This is changed when a dashboard gets loaded, modified or removed.

  • application: all state related to the application itself. This describes which windows are open, what database you are connected to, etc.

  • version: the version of NeoDash that is running. Note that these are complete version numbers (of the shape X.Y.Z), unlike dashboard versions, which have a different versioning scheme.

Want to see the complete state object for your application? Generate a Debug Report from the About window.

Dashboard State

The dashboard entry contains the entire state of the currently loaded dashboard. Take the following simple dashboard as an example.

  "dashboard": {
    "title": "A Simple Dashboard",
    "version": "2.4",
    "settings": {
      "pagenumber": 0,
      "editable": true,
      "fullscreenEnabled": true,
      "parameters": {
          "neodash_person_name": "Bob"
    "pages": [
          title: “My Page”
          reports: [
                "title": "My Report",
                "query": "MATCH (n)-[e]->(m) RETURN n,e,m",
                "type": "graph",
                "x": "1",
                "y": "2",
                "width": "6",
                "height": "3",
                "settings": {
                    "nodeColorSchmeme": "blue"

Key entries of the object are:

  • title: the title of the dashboard. This is displayed on the top of the window.

  • version: Main version of the dashboard that is loaded.

  • settings: contains settings for the dashboard. This includes the current page number, whether the dashboard is editable, whether the dashboard is in fullscreen mode, and the dashboard parameters that are currently set.

  • pages: contains the list of all pages in the dashboard. Each page has a title and a list of reports.

Application State

The application state is a flat dictionary of values that determine what the user’s window looks like (which windows are open?) as well as the current database connection, and whether the app is running in standalone mode.

"application": {
    "notificationTitle": null,
    "notificationMessage": null,
    "connectionModalOpen": false,
    "welcomeScreenOpen": true,
    "aboutModalOpen": true,
    "connection": {
      "protocol": "neo4j+s",
      "url": "localhost",
      "port": "",
      "database": "",
      "username": "neo4j",
      "password": "************"
    "desktopConnection": null,
    "connected": false,
    "dashboardToLoadAfterConnecting": null,
    "waitForSSO": false,
    "standalone": false,
    "oldDashboard": null,
    "ssoEnabled": false,
    "ssoProviders": [],
    "ssoDiscoveryUrl": "",
    "standaloneProtocol": "neo4j",
    "standaloneHost": "localhost",
    "standalonePort": "7687",
    "standaloneDatabase": "neo4j",
    "standaloneDashboardName": "My Dashboard",
    "standaloneDashboardDatabase": "dashboards",
    "standaloneDashboardURL": "dashboards",
    "loggingMode": "0",
    "loggingDatabase": "logging",
    "standaloneAllowLoad": false,
    "standaloneLoadFromOtherDatabases ": false,
    "standaloneMultiDatabase": false,
    "standaloneDatabaseList": "neo4j",
    "notificationIsDismissable": null