Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.load.csv('urlOrBinary',{config}) YIELD lineNo, list, map - load CSV from URL as stream of values, config contains any of: {skip:1,limit:5,header:false,sep:'TAB',ignore:['tmp'],nullValues:['na'],arraySep:';',mapping:{years:{type:'int',arraySep:'-',array:false,name:'age',ignore:false}} |
Procedure |
apoc.load.csvParams('urlOrBinary', {httpHeader: value}, payload, {config}) YIELD lineNo, list, map - load from CSV URL (e.g. web-api) while sending headers / payload to load CSV from URL as stream of values, config contains any of: {skip:1,limit:5,header:false,sep:'TAB',ignore:['tmp'],nullValues:['na'],arraySep:';',mapping:{years:{type:'int',arraySep:'-',array:false,name:'age',ignore:false}} |
Procedure |
apoc.load.directory('pattern', 'urlDir', {config}) YIELD value - Loads list of all files in the folder specified by the parameter urlDir satisfying the given pattern. If the parameter urlDir is not specified or empty, the files of the import folder are loaded instead. |
Procedure |
apoc.load.directory.async.add(name, cypher, pattern, urlDir, {}) YIELD name, status, pattern, cypher, urlDir, config, error - Adds or replaces a folder listener with a specific name, which is triggered for all files with the given pattern and executes the specified Cypher query when triggered. Returns a list of all listeners. It is possible to specify the event type in the config parameter. |
Procedure |
apoc.load.directory.async.list() YIELD name, status, pattern, cypher, urlDir, config, error - Lists all folder listeners |
Procedure |
apoc.load.directory.async.remove(name) YIELD name, status, pattern, cypher, urlDir, config, error - Removes a folder listener by name and returns all remaining listeners, if any |
Procedure |
apoc.load.directory.async.removeAll() - Removes all folder listeners |
Procedure |
apoc.load.driver('org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver') register JDBC driver of source database |
Procedure |
apoc.load.html('url',{name: jquery, name2: jquery}, config) YIELD value - Load Html page and return the result as a Map |
Procedure |
apoc.load.htmlPlainText('urlOrHtml',{name: jquery, name2: jquery}, config) YIELD value - Load Html page and return the result as a Map |
Procedure |
apoc.load.jdbc('key or url','table or statement', params, config) YIELD row - load from relational database, from a full table or a sql statement |
Procedure |
deprecated - please use: apoc.load.jdbc('key or url','',[params]) YIELD row - load from relational database, from a sql statement with parameters |
Procedure |
apoc.load.jdbcUpdate('key or url','statement',[params],config) YIELD row - update relational database, from a SQL statement with optional parameters |
Procedure |
apoc.load.ldap("key" or {connectionMap},{searchMap}) Load entries from an ldap source (yield entry) |
Procedure |
apoc.load.xls('url','selector',{config}) YIELD lineNo, list, map - load XLS fom URL as stream of row values, config contains any of: {skip:1,limit:5,header:false,ignore:['tmp'],arraySep:';',mapping:{years:{type:'int',arraySep:'-',array:false,name:'age',ignore:false, dateFormat:'iso_date', dateParse:['dd-MM-yyyy']}} |
Procedure |