Authentication and authorization

Configure LDAP password through secret

To configure the Neo4j Helm deployment to use the LDAP system password through secret, you need to create a Kubernetes secret with the LDAP password and then add the secret name and the mount path to the values.yaml file.

  1. Create a secret with the LDAP password by running the following command. The secret must have a key called LDAP_PASS.

    kubectl create secret generic <secret-name> --from-literal=LDAP_PASS=<ldap-password>
  2. Add the secret name to the values.yaml file.

    # ldapPasswordFromSecret defines the secret which holds the password for ldap system account
    # Secret key name must be LDAP_PASS
    # This secret is accessible by Neo4j at the path defined in ldapPasswordMountPath
    ldapPasswordFromSecret: "" (1)
    # The above secret gets mounted to the path mentioned here
    ldapPasswordMountPath: "" (2)
    1  — The secret name as it appears in the Kubernetes cluster.
    2  — The path where the secret will be mounted as a volume in the Neo4j container.

Configure SSO

Neo4j supports SSO authentication and authorization through identity providers implementing the OpenID Connect (OIDC) standard.

To configure the Neo4j helm deployment to use SSO authentication, first, you need to configure your identity provider for authentication and authorization using ID tokens. And then, you configure the Neo4j helm deployment to use that identity provider for authentication by adding all the SSO configurations to the values.yaml file.

For more information on how to configure your identity provider and what settings you should define, see Neo4j Single Sign-On (SSO) configuration.

An example of configuring Neo4j to use Azure SSO for authentication
config: "00f3a7d3-d855-4849-9e3c-57d7b6e12794" "client_id=00f3a7d3-d855-4849-9e3c-57d7b6e12794;response_type=code;scope=openid profile email" "" "oidc-azure,native" "oidc-azure,native" "Azure SSO on K8s" "pkce"
  server_type_principal=id_token;token_type_authentication=id_token" "principal=unique_name;code_challenge_method=S256; "sub" "groups" "group1=editor;group2=editor,publisher"

sub is the only claim guaranteed to be unique and stable. Other claims, such as email or preferred_username, may change over time and should not be used for authentication. Neo4j may assign permissions to a user based on this username value in a hybrid authorization configuration. Thus, changing the username claim from sub is not recommended. For details, see Microsoft documentation as well as the OpenId spec.

Configure a service account

In some deployment situations, it may be desirable to assign a Kubernetes Service Account to the Neo4j pod. For example, if processes in the pod want to connect to services that require Service Account authorization. To configure the Neo4j pod to use a Kubernetes service account, set podSpec.serviceAccountName to the name of the service account to use.

For example:

# neo4j-values.yaml
  password: "my-password"

  serviceAccountName: "neo4j-service-account"

The service account must already exist. In the case of clusters, the Neo4j Helm chart creates and configures the service account.