Source code for neo4j_graphrag.retrievers.base

#  Copyright (c) "Neo4j"
#  Neo4j Sweden AB []
#  #
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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#  #
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
import types
from abc import ABC, ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, TypeVar

import neo4j
from typing_extensions import ParamSpec

from neo4j_graphrag.exceptions import Neo4jVersionError
from neo4j_graphrag.types import RawSearchResult, RetrieverResult, RetrieverResultItem
from neo4j_graphrag.utils.version_utils import (

T = ParamSpec("T")
P = TypeVar("P")

def copy_function(f: Callable[T, P]) -> Callable[T, P]:
    """Based on"""
    g = types.FunctionType(
    # in case f was given attrs (note this dict is a shallow copy):
    return g

class RetrieverMetaclass(ABCMeta):
    """This metaclass is used to copy the docstring from the
    `get_search_results` method, instantiated in all subclasses,
    to the `search` method in the base class.

    def __new__(
        meta, name: str, bases: tuple[type, ...], attrs: dict[str, Any]
    ) -> type:
        if "search" in attrs:
            # search method was explicitly overridden, do nothing
            return type.__new__(meta, name, bases, attrs)
        # otherwise, we copy the signature and doc of the get_search_results
        # method to a copy of the search method
        get_search_results_method = attrs.get("get_search_results")
        search_method = None
        for b in bases:
            search_method = getattr(b, "search", None)
            if search_method is not None:
        if search_method and get_search_results_method:
            new_search_method = copy_function(search_method)
            new_search_method.__doc__ = get_search_results_method.__doc__
            new_search_method.__signature__ = inspect.signature(  # type: ignore
            attrs["search"] = new_search_method
        return type.__new__(meta, name, bases, attrs)

[docs] class Retriever(ABC, metaclass=RetrieverMetaclass): """ Abstract class for Neo4j retrievers """ index_name: str VERIFY_NEO4J_VERSION = True def __init__(self, driver: neo4j.Driver, neo4j_database: Optional[str] = None): self.driver = driver self.neo4j_database = neo4j_database if self.VERIFY_NEO4J_VERSION: version_tuple, is_aura, _ = get_version(self.driver, self.neo4j_database) self.neo4j_version_is_5_23_or_above = is_version_5_23_or_above( version_tuple ) if not has_vector_index_support( version_tuple ) or not has_metadata_filtering_support(version_tuple, is_aura): raise Neo4jVersionError() def _fetch_index_infos(self, vector_index_name: str) -> None: """Fetch the node label and embedding property from the index definition Args: vector_index_name (str): Name of the vector index """ query = ( "SHOW VECTOR INDEXES " "YIELD name, labelsOrTypes, properties, options " "WHERE name = $index_name " "RETURN labelsOrTypes as labels, properties, " "options.indexConfig.`vector.dimensions` as dimensions" ) query_result = self.driver.execute_query( query, {"index_name": vector_index_name}, database_=self.neo4j_database, routing_=neo4j.RoutingControl.READ, ) try: result = query_result.records[0] self._node_label = result["labels"][0] self._embedding_node_property = result["properties"][0] self._embedding_dimension = result["dimensions"] except IndexError as e: raise Exception(f"No index with name {self.index_name} found") from e
[docs] def search(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> RetrieverResult: """Search method. Call the `get_search_results` method that returns a list of `neo4j.Record`, and format them using the function returned by `get_result_formatter` to return `RetrieverResult`. """ raw_result = self.get_search_results(*args, **kwargs) formatter = self.get_result_formatter() search_items = [formatter(record) for record in raw_result.records] metadata = raw_result.metadata or {} metadata["__retriever"] = self.__class__.__name__ return RetrieverResult( items=search_items, metadata=metadata, )
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_search_results(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> RawSearchResult: """This method must be implemented in each child class. It will receive the same parameters provided to the public interface via the `search` method, after validation. It returns a `RawSearchResult` object which comprises a list of `neo4j.Record` objects and an optional `metadata` dictionary that can contain retriever-level information. Note that, even though this method is not intended to be called from outside the class, we make it public to make it clearer for the developers that it should be implemented in child classes. Returns: RawSearchResult: List of Neo4j Records and optional metadata dict """ pass
[docs] def get_result_formatter(self) -> Callable[[neo4j.Record], RetrieverResultItem]: """ Returns the function to use to transform a neo4j.Record to a RetrieverResultItem. """ if hasattr(self, "result_formatter"): return self.result_formatter or self.default_record_formatter return self.default_record_formatter
[docs] def default_record_formatter(self, record: neo4j.Record) -> RetrieverResultItem: """ Best effort to guess the node-to-text method. Inherited classes can override this method to implement custom text formatting. """ return RetrieverResultItem(content=str(record), metadata=record.get("metadata"))
class ExternalRetriever(Retriever, ABC): """ Abstract class for External Vector Stores """ VERIFY_NEO4J_VERSION = False def __init__( self, driver: neo4j.Driver, id_property_external: str, id_property_neo4j: str, neo4j_database: Optional[str] = None, ): super().__init__(driver) self.id_property_external = id_property_external self.id_property_neo4j = id_property_neo4j self.neo4j_database = neo4j_database @abstractmethod def get_search_results( self, query_vector: Optional[list[float]] = None, query_text: Optional[str] = None, top_k: int = 5, **kwargs: Any, ) -> RawSearchResult: """ Returns: RawSearchResult: List of Neo4j Records and optional metadata dict """ pass