Error handling

Neo4j Connector for Kafka sink instance supports Kafka Connect error handling mechanism to deal with bad incoming data. In order to make use of this feature, the configuration settings described in the Table 1, “Dead Letter Queue configuration parameters” can be used.

Table 1. Dead Letter Queue configuration parameters
Name Description


Configures error tolerance during the sink process. The default value is none, causing any error to immediately fail the connector task and stop processing the remaining messages. Setting it to all changes the behavior to skip problematic messages and continue processing the rest.

One of all, none. Default: none

If error.tolerance: all, problematic messages will still be reported if a dead letter queue is defined.


If set to true, each error, along with details of the failed operation and problematic message, will be written to the Kafka Connect application log. By default, this is set to 'false', so only errors that are not tolerated are reported.

One of true, false. Default: false


Specifies whether to include the Kafka message that resulted in a failure in the log. If enabled, the topic, partition, offset, and timestamp will be logged. By default, this is set to 'false', preventing message keys, values, and headers from being written to log files.

One of true, false. Default: false

Specifies the topic name to be used as the dead letter queue (DLQ) for messages that encounter errors during the sink process. When a topic name is set, failed messages will be sent to the DLQ. By default, the topic name is blank, indicating that no messages will be sent to the DLQ.

Default: ``


If set to true, headers containing error context will be added to the messages sent to the DLQ topic. To prevent conflicts with headers from the original record, all error context header keys will start with __connect.errors.

The error headers that will be sent;

  • __connect.errors.topic

  • __connect.errors.partition

  • __connect.errors.offset



  • __connect.errors.stage



  • __connect.errors.exception.message

  • __connect.errors.exception.stacktrace

One of true, false. Default: false


Specifies the replication factor used to create the dead letter queue (DLQ) topic if it does not already exist. Default value 3, If you’re running on a single-node Kafka cluster, you will also need to set it to 1. Replication factor.

Default: 3

With this version of the connector, we also handle errors that may occur during message processing and when writing messages to the target Neo4j database. For further details about how Kafka Connect Framework handles error management, please look into the blog post at Error Handling and Dead Letter Queues.