
A sorting input type is generated for every object type defined in your type definitions. It allows for query results to be sorted by each individual field.

Using this example type definition:

type Movie {
    title: String!
    runtime: Int!

The following sorting input type and query are generated:

type Movie {
    title: String!
    runtime: Int!

enum SortDirection {

input MovieSort {
    title: SortDirection
    runtime: SortDirection

input MovieOptions {
    """Specify one or more MovieSort objects to sort Movies by. The sorts will be applied in the order in which they are arranged in the array."""
    sort: [MovieSort!]
    limit: Int
    offset: Int

type Query {
    movies(where: MovieWhere, options: MovieOptions): [Movie!]!

The following query fetches all movies sorted by runtime in ascending order:

query {
    movies(options: {
        sort: [
                runtime: ASC
    }) {

If there is a relationship between the Movie and an Actor type, you can also sort when fetching the actors field:

query {
    movies {
        actors(options: {
            sort: [
                    surname: ASC
        }) {

You cannot sort query results based on relationship properties.