Currently unsupported mandatory GQL features

Cypher® supports most mandatory GQL features. There are, however, currently a few mandatory GQL features not yet in Cypher that Neo4j is actively working towards implementing. The table below provides an overview of these GQL features and, where applicable, their functional equivalents in Neo4j.

Unlike optional GQL features, mandatory GQL features are not assigned a GQL feature ID code. The below table is instead listed in order of their appearance in the ISO/IEC 39075:2024(en) GQL Standard.

GQL Standard subclause Description Comment and similar Neo4j functionality


GQL-status objects

Exposing successful execution results, errors, exceptions, and warnings as GQL-status objects.


Session management

GQL defines the following session commands: SESSION SET, SESSION RESET, and SESSION CLOSE. Neo4j offers session management through the driver session API.


Transaction management

GQL defines the following transaction commands: START TRANSACTION, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK.

Neo4j offers transaction management through the driver transaction API. Cypher Shell also offers specific commands to manage transactions.


Graph expressions

GQL defines the following graph reference values commands: CURRENT_GRAPH and CURRENT_PROPERTY_GRAPH.


Schema reference

GQL defines an AT clause for selecting the current schema and the following schema selection options: HOME_SCHEMA and CURRENT_SCHEMA.


<token>, <separator>, and <identifier>

GQL specifies a list of reserved words that cannot be used for unquoted variable names, labels, and property names. Cypher also specifies a list of reserved keywords, but it differs from GQL’s.