* Copyright (c) "Neo4j"
* Neo4j Sweden AB []
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/promise-function-async */
import { validateQueryAndParameters } from './internal/util';
import { ReadOnlyConnectionHolder, EMPTY_CONNECTION_HOLDER } from './internal/connection-holder';
import { Bookmarks } from './internal/bookmarks';
import { TxConfig } from './internal/tx-config';
import { FailedObserver, CompletedObserver } from './internal/observers';
import { newError } from './error';
import Result from './result';
* Represents a transaction in the Neo4j database.
* @access public
class Transaction {
* @constructor
* @param {object} args
* @param {ConnectionHolder} args.connectionHolder - the connection holder to get connection from.
* @param {function()} args.onClose - Function to be called when transaction is committed or rolled back.
* @param {function(bookmarks: Bookmarks)} args.onBookmarks callback invoked when new bookmark is produced.
* @param {function()} args.onConnection - Function to be called when a connection is obtained to ensure the conneciton
* is not yet released.
* @param {boolean} args.reactive whether this transaction generates reactive streams
* @param {number} args.fetchSize - the record fetch size in each pulling batch.
* @param {string} args.impersonatedUser - The name of the user which should be impersonated for the duration of the session.
* @param {number} args.highRecordWatermark - The high watermark for the record buffer.
* @param {number} args.lowRecordWatermark - The low watermark for the record buffer.
* @param {NotificationFilter} args.notificationFilter - The notification filter used for this transaction.
* @param {NonAutoCommitApiTelemetryConfig} args.apiTelemetryConfig - The api telemetry configuration. Empty/Null for disabling telemetry
constructor({ connectionHolder, onClose, onBookmarks, onConnection, reactive, fetchSize, impersonatedUser, highRecordWatermark, lowRecordWatermark, notificationFilter, apiTelemetryConfig }) {
this._connectionHolder = connectionHolder;
this._reactive = reactive;
this._state = _states.ACTIVE;
this._onClose = onClose;
this._onBookmarks = onBookmarks;
this._onConnection = onConnection;
this._onError = this._onErrorCallback.bind(this);
this._fetchSize = fetchSize;
this._onComplete = this._onCompleteCallback.bind(this);
this._results = [];
this._impersonatedUser = impersonatedUser;
this._lowRecordWatermak = lowRecordWatermark;
this._highRecordWatermark = highRecordWatermark;
this._bookmarks = Bookmarks.empty();
this._notificationFilter = notificationFilter;
this._apiTelemetryConfig = apiTelemetryConfig;
this._acceptActive = () => { }; // satisfy DenoJS
this._activePromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this._acceptActive = resolve;
* @private
* @param {Bookmarks | string | string []} bookmarks
* @param {TxConfig} txConfig
* @param {Object} events List of observers to events
* @returns {void}
_begin(getBookmarks, txConfig, events) {
.then((connection) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (connection != null) {
this._bookmarks = yield getBookmarks();
return connection.beginTransaction({
bookmarks: this._bookmarks,
mode: this._connectionHolder.mode(),
database: this._connectionHolder.database(),
impersonatedUser: this._impersonatedUser,
notificationFilter: this._notificationFilter,
apiTelemetryConfig: this._apiTelemetryConfig,
beforeError: (error) => {
if (events != null) {
this._onError(error).catch(() => { });
afterComplete: (metadata) => {
if (events != null) {
if (metadata.db !== undefined && ((events === null || events === void 0 ? void 0 : events.onDB) != null)) {
else {
throw newError('No connection available');
.catch(error => {
if (events != null) {
this._onError(error).catch(() => { });
// It should make the transaction active anyway
// further errors will be treated by the existing
// observers
.finally(() => this._acceptActive());
* Run Cypher query
* Could be called with a query object i.e.: `{text: "MATCH ...", parameters: {param: 1}}`
* or with the query and parameters as separate arguments.
* @param {mixed} query - Cypher query to execute
* @param {Object} parameters - Map with parameters to use in query
* @return {Result} New Result
run(query, parameters) {
const { validatedQuery, params } = validateQueryAndParameters(query, parameters);
const result =, params, {
connectionHolder: this._connectionHolder,
onError: this._onError,
onComplete: this._onComplete,
onConnection: this._onConnection,
reactive: this._reactive,
fetchSize: this._fetchSize,
highRecordWatermark: this._highRecordWatermark,
lowRecordWatermark: this._lowRecordWatermak,
preparationJob: this._activePromise
return result;
* Commits the transaction and returns the result.
* After committing the transaction can no longer be used.
* @returns {Promise<void>} An empty promise if committed successfully or error if any error happened during commit.
commit() {
const committed = this._state.commit({
connectionHolder: this._connectionHolder,
onError: this._onError,
onComplete: (meta) => this._onCompleteCallback(meta, this._bookmarks),
onConnection: this._onConnection,
pendingResults: this._results,
preparationJob: this._activePromise
this._state = committed.state;
// clean up
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
onCompleted: () => resolve(),
onError: (error) => reject(error)
* Rollbacks the transaction.
* After rolling back, the transaction can no longer be used.
* @returns {Promise<void>} An empty promise if rolled back successfully or error if any error happened during
* rollback.
rollback() {
const rolledback = this._state.rollback({
connectionHolder: this._connectionHolder,
onError: this._onError,
onComplete: this._onComplete,
onConnection: this._onConnection,
pendingResults: this._results,
preparationJob: this._activePromise
this._state = rolledback.state;
// clean up
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
onCompleted: () => resolve(),
onError: (error) => reject(error)
* Check if this transaction is active, which means commit and rollback did not happen.
* @return {boolean} `true` when not committed and not rolled back, `false` otherwise.
isOpen() {
return this._state === _states.ACTIVE;
* Closes the transaction
* This method will roll back the transaction if it is not already committed or rolled back.
* @returns {Promise<void>} An empty promise if closed successfully or error if any error happened during
close() {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (this.isOpen()) {
yield this.rollback();
// eslint-disable-next-line
// @ts-ignore
[Symbol.asyncDispose]() {
return this.close();
_onErrorCallback(error) {
// error will be "acknowledged" by sending a RESET message
// database will then forget about this transaction and cleanup all corresponding resources
// it is thus safe to move this transaction to a FAILED state and disallow any further interactions with it
if (this._state === _states.FAILED) {
// already failed, nothing to do
// if we call onError for each result again, we might run into an infinite loop, that causes an OOM eventually
return Promise.resolve(null);
this._state = _states.FAILED;
this._results.forEach(result => {
if (result.isOpen()) {
// @ts-expect-error
.then(resultStreamObserver => resultStreamObserver.onError(error))
// Nothing to do since we don't have a observer to notify the error
// the result will be already broke in other ways.
.catch((_) => { });
// release connection back to the pool
return this._connectionHolder.releaseConnection();
* @private
* @param {object} meta The meta with bookmarks
* @returns {void}
_onCompleteCallback(meta, previousBookmarks) {
this._onBookmarks(new Bookmarks(meta === null || meta === void 0 ? void 0 : meta.bookmark), previousBookmarks !== null && previousBookmarks !== void 0 ? previousBookmarks : Bookmarks.empty(), meta === null || meta === void 0 ? void 0 : meta.db);
const _states = {
// The transaction is running with no explicit success or failure marked
commit: ({ connectionHolder, onError, onComplete, onConnection, pendingResults, preparationJob }) => {
return {
result: finishTransaction(true, connectionHolder, onError, onComplete, onConnection, pendingResults, preparationJob),
state: _states.SUCCEEDED
rollback: ({ connectionHolder, onError, onComplete, onConnection, pendingResults, preparationJob }) => {
return {
result: finishTransaction(false, connectionHolder, onError, onComplete, onConnection, pendingResults, preparationJob),
state: _states.ROLLED_BACK
run: (query, parameters, { connectionHolder, onError, onComplete, onConnection, reactive, fetchSize, highRecordWatermark, lowRecordWatermark, preparationJob }) => {
// RUN in explicit transaction can't contain bookmarks and transaction configuration
// No need to include mode and database name as it shall be included in begin
const requirements = preparationJob !== null && preparationJob !== void 0 ? preparationJob : Promise.resolve();
const observerPromise = connectionHolder.getConnection()
.then(conn => requirements.then(() => conn))
.then(conn => {
if (conn != null) {
return, parameters, {
bookmarks: Bookmarks.empty(),
txConfig: TxConfig.empty(),
beforeError: onError,
afterComplete: onComplete,
else {
throw newError('No connection available');
.catch(error => new FailedObserver({ error, onError }));
return newCompletedResult(observerPromise, query, parameters, connectionHolder, highRecordWatermark, lowRecordWatermark);
// An error has occurred, transaction can no longer be used and no more messages will
// be sent for this transaction.
commit: ({ connectionHolder, onError, onComplete }) => {
return {
result: newCompletedResult(new FailedObserver({
error: newError('Cannot commit this transaction, because it has been rolled back either because of an error or explicit termination.'),
}), 'COMMIT', {}, connectionHolder, 0, // high watermark
0 // low watermark
state: _states.FAILED
rollback: ({ connectionHolder, onError, onComplete }) => {
return {
result: newCompletedResult(new CompletedObserver(), 'ROLLBACK', {}, connectionHolder, 0, // high watermark
0 // low watermark
state: _states.FAILED
run: (query, parameters, { connectionHolder, onError, onComplete }) => {
return newCompletedResult(new FailedObserver({
error: newError('Cannot run query in this transaction, because it has been rolled back either because of an error or explicit termination.'),
}), query, parameters, connectionHolder, 0, // high watermark
0 // low watermark
// This transaction has successfully committed
commit: ({ connectionHolder, onError, onComplete }) => {
return {
result: newCompletedResult(new FailedObserver({
error: newError('Cannot commit this transaction, because it has already been committed.'),
}), 'COMMIT', {}, EMPTY_CONNECTION_HOLDER, 0, // high watermark
0 // low watermark
state: _states.SUCCEEDED,
rollback: ({ connectionHolder, onError, onComplete }) => {
return {
result: newCompletedResult(new FailedObserver({
error: newError('Cannot rollback this transaction, because it has already been committed.'),
}), 'ROLLBACK', {}, EMPTY_CONNECTION_HOLDER, 0, // high watermark
0 // low watermark
state: _states.SUCCEEDED,
run: (query, parameters, { connectionHolder, onError, onComplete }) => {
return newCompletedResult(new FailedObserver({
error: newError('Cannot run query in this transaction, because it has already been committed.'),
}), query, parameters, connectionHolder, 0, // high watermark
0 // low watermark
// This transaction has been rolled back
commit: ({ connectionHolder, onError, onComplete }) => {
return {
result: newCompletedResult(new FailedObserver({
error: newError('Cannot commit this transaction, because it has already been rolled back.'),
}), 'COMMIT', {}, connectionHolder, 0, // high watermark
0 // low watermark
state: _states.ROLLED_BACK
rollback: ({ connectionHolder, onError, onComplete }) => {
return {
result: newCompletedResult(new FailedObserver({
error: newError('Cannot rollback this transaction, because it has already been rolled back.')
}), 'ROLLBACK', {}, connectionHolder, 0, // high watermark
0 // low watermark
state: _states.ROLLED_BACK
run: (query, parameters, { connectionHolder, onError, onComplete }) => {
return newCompletedResult(new FailedObserver({
error: newError('Cannot run query in this transaction, because it has already been rolled back.'),
}), query, parameters, connectionHolder, 0, // high watermark
0 // low watermark
* @param {boolean} commit
* @param {ConnectionHolder} connectionHolder
* @param {function(err:Error): any} onError
* @param {function(metadata:object): any} onComplete
* @param {function() : any} onConnection
* @param {list<Result>>}pendingResults all run results in this transaction
function finishTransaction(commit, connectionHolder, onError, onComplete, onConnection, pendingResults, preparationJob) {
const requirements = preparationJob !== null && preparationJob !== void 0 ? preparationJob : Promise.resolve();
const observerPromise = connectionHolder.getConnection()
.then(conn => requirements.then(() => conn))
.then(connection => {
pendingResults.forEach(r => r._cancel());
return Promise.all( => result.summary())).then(results => {
if (connection != null) {
if (commit) {
return connection.commitTransaction({
beforeError: onError,
afterComplete: onComplete
else {
return connection.rollbackTransaction({
beforeError: onError,
afterComplete: onComplete
else {
throw newError('No connection available');
.catch(error => new FailedObserver({ error, onError }));
// for commit & rollback we need result that uses real connection holder and notifies it when
// connection is not needed and can be safely released to the pool
return new Result(observerPromise, commit ? 'COMMIT' : 'ROLLBACK', {}, connectionHolder, {
high: Number.MAX_VALUE,
low: Number.MAX_VALUE
* Creates a {@link Result} with empty connection holder.
* For cases when result represents an intermediate or failed action, does not require any metadata and does not
* need to influence real connection holder to release connections.
* @param {ResultStreamObserver} observer - an observer for the created result.
* @param {string} query - the cypher query that produced the result.
* @param {Object} parameters - the parameters for cypher query that produced the result.
* @param {ConnectionHolder} connectionHolder - the connection holder used to get the result
* @return {Result} new result.
* @private
function newCompletedResult(observerPromise, query, parameters, connectionHolder = EMPTY_CONNECTION_HOLDER, highRecordWatermark, lowRecordWatermark) {
return new Result(Promise.resolve(observerPromise), query, parameters, new ReadOnlyConnectionHolder(connectionHolder !== null && connectionHolder !== void 0 ? connectionHolder : EMPTY_CONNECTION_HOLDER), {
low: lowRecordWatermark,
high: highRecordWatermark
export default Transaction;