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 * Copyright (c) "Neo4j"
 * Neo4j Sweden AB [https://neo4j.com]
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/promise-function-async */
import { FailedObserver } from './internal/observers';
import { validateQueryAndParameters } from './internal/util';
import { FETCH_ALL, ACCESS_MODE_READ, ACCESS_MODE_WRITE, TELEMETRY_APIS } from './internal/constants';
import { newError } from './error';
import Result from './result';
import { ConnectionHolder } from './internal/connection-holder';
import { TransactionExecutor } from './internal/transaction-executor';
import { Bookmarks } from './internal/bookmarks';
import { TxConfig } from './internal/tx-config';
import TransactionPromise from './transaction-promise';
import ManagedTransaction from './transaction-managed';
import { cacheKey } from './internal/auth-util';
 * A Session instance is used for handling the connection and
 * sending queries through the connection.
 * In a single session, multiple queries will be executed serially.
 * In order to execute parallel queries, multiple sessions are required.
 * @access public
class Session {
     * @constructor
     * @protected
     * @param {Object} args
     * @param {string} args.mode the default access mode for this session.
     * @param {ConnectionProvider} args.connectionProvider - The connection provider to acquire connections from.
     * @param {Bookmarks} args.bookmarks - The initial bookmarks for this session.
     * @param {string} args.database the database name
     * @param {Object} args.config={} - This driver configuration.
     * @param {boolean} args.reactive - Whether this session should create reactive streams
     * @param {number} args.fetchSize - Defines how many records is pulled in each pulling batch
     * @param {string} args.impersonatedUser - The username which the user wants to impersonate for the duration of the session.
     * @param {BookmarkManager} args.bookmarkManager - The bookmark manager used for this session.
     * @param {NotificationFilter} args.notificationFilter - The notification filter used for this session.
     * @param {AuthToken} args.auth - the target auth for the to-be-acquired connection
     * @param {Logger} args.log - the logger used for logs in this session.
     * @param {(user:string, database:string) => void} args.homeDatabaseCallback - callback used to update the home database cache
    constructor({ mode, connectionProvider, bookmarks, database, config, reactive, fetchSize, impersonatedUser, bookmarkManager, notificationFilter, auth, log, homeDatabaseCallback }) {
        var _a;
        this._mode = mode;
        this._database = database;
        this._reactive = reactive;
        this._fetchSize = fetchSize;
        this._homeDatabaseCallback = homeDatabaseCallback;
        this._auth = auth;
        this._getConnectionAcquistionBookmarks = this._getConnectionAcquistionBookmarks.bind(this);
        this._readConnectionHolder = new ConnectionHolder({
            mode: ACCESS_MODE_READ,
            onDatabaseNameResolved: this._onDatabaseNameResolved.bind(this),
            getConnectionAcquistionBookmarks: this._getConnectionAcquistionBookmarks,
        this._writeConnectionHolder = new ConnectionHolder({
            mode: ACCESS_MODE_WRITE,
            onDatabaseNameResolved: this._onDatabaseNameResolved.bind(this),
            getConnectionAcquistionBookmarks: this._getConnectionAcquistionBookmarks,
        this._open = true;
        this._hasTx = false;
        this._impersonatedUser = impersonatedUser;
        this._lastBookmarks = bookmarks !== null && bookmarks !== void 0 ? bookmarks : Bookmarks.empty();
        this._configuredBookmarks = this._lastBookmarks;
        this._transactionExecutor = _createTransactionExecutor(config);
        this._databaseNameResolved = this._database !== '';
        const calculatedWatermaks = this._calculateWatermaks();
        this._lowRecordWatermark = calculatedWatermaks.low;
        this._highRecordWatermark = calculatedWatermaks.high;
        this._results = [];
        this._bookmarkManager = bookmarkManager;
        this._notificationFilter = notificationFilter;
        this._log = log;
        this._databaseGuess = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.cachedHomeDatabase;
        this._isRoutingSession = (_a = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.routingDriver) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false;
     * Run Cypher query
     * Could be called with a query object i.e.: `{text: "MATCH ...", parameters: {param: 1}}`
     * or with the query and parameters as separate arguments.
     * @public
     * @param {mixed} query - Cypher query to execute
     * @param {Object} parameters - Map with parameters to use in query
     * @param {TransactionConfig} [transactionConfig] - Configuration for the new auto-commit transaction.
     * @return {Result} New Result.
    run(query, parameters, transactionConfig) {
        const { validatedQuery, params } = validateQueryAndParameters(query, parameters);
        const autoCommitTxConfig = (transactionConfig != null)
            ? new TxConfig(transactionConfig, this._log)
            : TxConfig.empty();
        const result = this._run(validatedQuery, params, (connection) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
            const bookmarks = yield this._bookmarks();
            return connection.run(validatedQuery, params, {
                txConfig: autoCommitTxConfig,
                mode: this._mode,
                database: this._database,
                apiTelemetryConfig: {
                impersonatedUser: this._impersonatedUser,
                afterComplete: (meta) => this._onCompleteCallback(meta, bookmarks),
                reactive: this._reactive,
                fetchSize: this._fetchSize,
                lowRecordWatermark: this._lowRecordWatermark,
                highRecordWatermark: this._highRecordWatermark,
                notificationFilter: this._notificationFilter,
                onDb: this._onDatabaseNameResolved.bind(this)
        return result;
    _run(query, parameters, customRunner) {
        const { connectionHolder, resultPromise } = this._acquireAndConsumeConnection(customRunner);
        const observerPromise = resultPromise.catch(error => Promise.resolve(new FailedObserver({ error })));
        const watermarks = { high: this._highRecordWatermark, low: this._lowRecordWatermark };
        return new Result(observerPromise, query, parameters, connectionHolder, watermarks);
     * This method is used by Rediscovery on the neo4j-driver-bolt-protocol package.
     * @private
     * @param {function()} connectionConsumer The method which will use the connection
     * @returns {Promise<T>} A connection promise
    _acquireConnection(connectionConsumer) {
        const { connectionHolder, resultPromise } = this._acquireAndConsumeConnection(connectionConsumer);
        return resultPromise.then((result) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
            yield connectionHolder.releaseConnection();
            return result;
     * Acquires a {@link Connection}, consume it and return a promise of the result along with
     * the {@link ConnectionHolder} used in the process.
     * @private
     * @param connectionConsumer
     * @returns {object} The connection holder and connection promise.
    _acquireAndConsumeConnection(connectionConsumer) {
        let resultPromise;
        const connectionHolder = this._connectionHolderWithMode(this._mode);
        if (!this._open) {
            resultPromise = Promise.reject(newError('Cannot run query in a closed session.'));
        else if (!this._hasTx && connectionHolder.initializeConnection(this._databaseGuess)) {
            resultPromise = connectionHolder
                // Connection won't be null at this point since the initialize method
                // return
                // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
                .then(connection => connectionConsumer(connection));
        else {
            resultPromise = Promise.reject(newError('Queries cannot be run directly on a ' +
                'session with an open transaction; either run from within the ' +
                'transaction or use a different session.'));
        return { connectionHolder, resultPromise };
     * Begin a new transaction in this session. A session can have at most one transaction running at a time, if you
     * want to run multiple concurrent transactions, you should use multiple concurrent sessions.
     * While a transaction is open the session cannot be used to run queries outside the transaction.
     * @param {TransactionConfig} [transactionConfig] - Configuration for the new auto-commit transaction.
     * @returns {TransactionPromise} New Transaction.
    beginTransaction(transactionConfig) {
        // this function needs to support bookmarks parameter for backwards compatibility
        // parameter was of type {string|string[]} and represented either a single or multiple bookmarks
        // that's why we need to check parameter type and decide how to interpret the value
        const arg = transactionConfig;
        let txConfig = TxConfig.empty();
        if (arg != null) {
            txConfig = new TxConfig(arg, this._log);
        return this._beginTransaction(this._mode, txConfig, { api: TELEMETRY_APIS.UNMANAGED_TRANSACTION });
    _beginTransaction(accessMode, txConfig, apiTelemetryConfig) {
        if (!this._open) {
            throw newError('Cannot begin a transaction on a closed session.');
        if (this._hasTx) {
            throw newError('You cannot begin a transaction on a session with an open transaction; ' +
                'either run from within the transaction or use a different session.');
        const mode = Session._validateSessionMode(accessMode);
        const connectionHolder = this._connectionHolderWithMode(mode);
        this._hasTx = true;
        const tx = new TransactionPromise({
            impersonatedUser: this._impersonatedUser,
            onClose: this._transactionClosed.bind(this),
            onBookmarks: (newBm, oldBm, db) => this._updateBookmarks(newBm, oldBm, db),
            onConnection: this._assertSessionIsOpen.bind(this),
            reactive: this._reactive,
            fetchSize: this._fetchSize,
            lowRecordWatermark: this._lowRecordWatermark,
            highRecordWatermark: this._highRecordWatermark,
            notificationFilter: this._notificationFilter,
            onDbCallback: this._onDatabaseNameResolved.bind(this)
        tx._begin(() => this._bookmarks(), txConfig);
        return tx;
     * @private
     * @returns {void}
    _assertSessionIsOpen() {
        if (!this._open) {
            throw newError('You cannot run more transactions on a closed session.');
     * @private
     * @returns {void}
    _transactionClosed() {
        this._hasTx = false;
     * Return the bookmarks received following the last completed {@link Transaction}.
     * @deprecated This method will be removed in version 6.0. Please, use {@link Session#lastBookmarks} instead.
     * @return {string[]} A reference to a previous transaction.
     * @see {@link Session#lastBookmarks}
    lastBookmark() {
        return this.lastBookmarks();
     * Return the bookmarks received following the last completed {@link Transaction}.
     * @return {string[]} A reference to a previous transaction.
    lastBookmarks() {
        return this._lastBookmarks.values();
    _bookmarks() {
        var _a;
        return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
            const bookmarks = yield ((_a = this._bookmarkManager) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getBookmarks());
            if (bookmarks === undefined) {
                return this._lastBookmarks;
            return new Bookmarks([...bookmarks, ...this._configuredBookmarks]);
     * Execute given unit of work in a {@link READ} transaction.
     * Transaction will automatically be committed unless the given function throws or returns a rejected promise.
     * Some failures of the given function or the commit itself will be retried with exponential backoff with initial
     * delay of 1 second and maximum retry time of 30 seconds. Maximum retry time is configurable via driver config's
     * `maxTransactionRetryTime` property in milliseconds.
     * @deprecated This method will be removed in version 6.0. Please, use {@link Session#executeRead} instead.
     * @param {function(tx: Transaction): Promise} transactionWork - Callback that executes operations against
     * a given {@link Transaction}.
     * @param {TransactionConfig} [transactionConfig] - Configuration for all transactions started to execute the unit of work.
     * @return {Promise} Resolved promise as returned by the given function or rejected promise when given
     * function or commit fails.
     * @see {@link Session#executeRead}
    readTransaction(transactionWork, transactionConfig) {
        const config = new TxConfig(transactionConfig, this._log);
        return this._runTransaction(ACCESS_MODE_READ, config, transactionWork);
     * Execute given unit of work in a {@link WRITE} transaction.
     * Transaction will automatically be committed unless the given function throws or returns a rejected promise.
     * Some failures of the given function or the commit itself will be retried with exponential backoff with initial
     * delay of 1 second and maximum retry time of 30 seconds. Maximum retry time is configurable via driver config's
     * `maxTransactionRetryTime` property in milliseconds.
     * @deprecated This method will be removed in version 6.0. Please, use {@link Session#executeWrite} instead.
     * @param {function(tx: Transaction): Promise} transactionWork - Callback that executes operations against
     * a given {@link Transaction}.
     * @param {TransactionConfig} [transactionConfig] - Configuration for all transactions started to execute the unit of work.
     * @return {Promise} Resolved promise as returned by the given function or rejected promise when given
     * function or commit fails.
     * @see {@link Session#executeWrite}
    writeTransaction(transactionWork, transactionConfig) {
        const config = new TxConfig(transactionConfig, this._log);
        return this._runTransaction(ACCESS_MODE_WRITE, config, transactionWork);
    _runTransaction(accessMode, transactionConfig, transactionWork) {
        return this._transactionExecutor.execute((apiTelemetryConfig) => this._beginTransaction(accessMode, transactionConfig, apiTelemetryConfig), transactionWork);
     * Execute given unit of work in a {@link READ} transaction.
     * Transaction will automatically be committed unless the given function throws or returns a rejected promise.
     * Some failures of the given function or the commit itself will be retried with exponential backoff with initial
     * delay of 1 second and maximum retry time of 30 seconds. Maximum retry time is configurable via driver config's
     * `maxTransactionRetryTime` property in milliseconds.
     * NOTE: Because it is an explicit transaction from the server point of view, Cypher queries using
     * "CALL {} IN TRANSACTIONS" or the older "USING PERIODIC COMMIT" construct will not work (call
     * {@link Session#run} for these).
     * @param {function(tx: ManagedTransaction): Promise} transactionWork - Callback that executes operations against
     * a given {@link Transaction}.
     * @param {TransactionConfig} [transactionConfig] - Configuration for all transactions started to execute the unit of work.
     * @return {Promise} Resolved promise as returned by the given function or rejected promise when given
     * function or commit fails.
    executeRead(transactionWork, transactionConfig) {
        const config = new TxConfig(transactionConfig, this._log);
        return this._executeInTransaction(ACCESS_MODE_READ, config, transactionWork);
     * Execute given unit of work in a {@link WRITE} transaction.
     * Transaction will automatically be committed unless the given function throws or returns a rejected promise.
     * Some failures of the given function or the commit itself will be retried with exponential backoff with initial
     * delay of 1 second and maximum retry time of 30 seconds. Maximum retry time is configurable via driver config's
     * `maxTransactionRetryTime` property in milliseconds.
     * NOTE: Because it is an explicit transaction from the server point of view, Cypher queries using
     * "CALL {} IN TRANSACTIONS" or the older "USING PERIODIC COMMIT" construct will not work (call
     * {@link Session#run} for these).
     * @param {function(tx: ManagedTransaction): Promise} transactionWork - Callback that executes operations against
     * a given {@link Transaction}.
     * @param {TransactionConfig} [transactionConfig] - Configuration for all transactions started to execute the unit of work.
     * @return {Promise} Resolved promise as returned by the given function or rejected promise when given
     * function or commit fails.
    executeWrite(transactionWork, transactionConfig) {
        const config = new TxConfig(transactionConfig, this._log);
        return this._executeInTransaction(ACCESS_MODE_WRITE, config, transactionWork);
     * @private
     * @param {SessionMode} accessMode
     * @param {TxConfig} transactionConfig
     * @param {ManagedTransactionWork} transactionWork
     * @returns {Promise}
    _executeInTransaction(accessMode, transactionConfig, transactionWork) {
        return this._transactionExecutor.execute((apiTelemetryConfig) => this._beginTransaction(accessMode, transactionConfig, apiTelemetryConfig), transactionWork, ManagedTransaction.fromTransaction);
     * Sets the resolved database name in the session context.
     * @private
     * @param {string|undefined} database The resolved database name
     * @returns {void}
    _onDatabaseNameResolved(database) {
        if (this._isRoutingSession) {
            this._databaseGuess = database;
            if (!this._databaseNameResolved) {
                const normalizedDatabase = database !== null && database !== void 0 ? database : '';
                this._database = normalizedDatabase;
                this._databaseNameResolved = true;
                if (this._homeDatabaseCallback != null) {
                    this._homeDatabaseCallback(cacheKey(this._auth, this._impersonatedUser), database);
    _getConnectionAcquistionBookmarks() {
        var _a;
        return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
            const bookmarks = yield ((_a = this._bookmarkManager) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getBookmarks());
            if (bookmarks === undefined) {
                return this._lastBookmarks;
            return new Bookmarks([...this._configuredBookmarks, ...bookmarks]);
     * Update value of the last bookmarks.
     * @private
     * @param {Bookmarks} newBookmarks - The new bookmarks.
     * @returns {void}
    _updateBookmarks(newBookmarks, previousBookmarks, database) {
        var _a, _b, _c;
        if ((newBookmarks != null) && !newBookmarks.isEmpty()) {
            (_a = this._bookmarkManager) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.updateBookmarks((_b = previousBookmarks === null || previousBookmarks === void 0 ? void 0 : previousBookmarks.values()) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : [], (_c = newBookmarks === null || newBookmarks === void 0 ? void 0 : newBookmarks.values()) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : []).catch(() => { });
            this._lastBookmarks = newBookmarks;
            this._configuredBookmarks = Bookmarks.empty();
     * Close this session.
     * @return {Promise}
    close() {
        return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
            if (this._open) {
                this._open = false;
                this._results.forEach(result => result._cancel());
                yield this._readConnectionHolder.close(this._hasTx);
                yield this._writeConnectionHolder.close(this._hasTx);
    // eslint-disable-next-line
    // @ts-ignore
    [Symbol.asyncDispose]() {
        return this.close();
    _connectionHolderWithMode(mode) {
        if (mode === ACCESS_MODE_READ) {
            return this._readConnectionHolder;
        else if (mode === ACCESS_MODE_WRITE) {
            return this._writeConnectionHolder;
        else {
            throw newError('Unknown access mode: ' + mode);
     * @private
     * @param {Object} meta Connection metadatada
     * @returns {void}
    _onCompleteCallback(meta, previousBookmarks) {
        this._updateBookmarks(new Bookmarks(meta.bookmark), previousBookmarks, meta.db);
     * @private
     * @returns {void}
    _calculateWatermaks() {
        if (this._fetchSize === FETCH_ALL) {
            return {
                low: Number.MAX_VALUE,
                high: Number.MAX_VALUE // we shall never reach this number to disable auto pull
        return {
            low: 0.3 * this._fetchSize,
            high: 0.7 * this._fetchSize
     * Configure the transaction executor
     * This used by {@link Driver#executeQuery}
     * @private
     * @returns {void}
    _configureTransactionExecutor(pipelined, telemetryApi) {
        this._transactionExecutor.pipelineBegin = pipelined;
        this._transactionExecutor.telemetryApi = telemetryApi;
     * @protected
    static _validateSessionMode(rawMode) {
        const mode = rawMode !== null && rawMode !== void 0 ? rawMode : ACCESS_MODE_WRITE;
        if (mode !== ACCESS_MODE_READ && mode !== ACCESS_MODE_WRITE) {
            throw newError('Illegal session mode ' + mode);
        return mode;
 * @private
 * @param {object} config
 * @returns {TransactionExecutor} The transaction executor
function _createTransactionExecutor(config) {
    var _a;
    const maxRetryTimeMs = (_a = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.maxTransactionRetryTime) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null;
    return new TransactionExecutor(maxRetryTimeMs);
export default Session;