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Represents an ISO 8601 duration. Contains both date-based values (years, months, days) and time-based values (seconds, nanoseconds). Created Duration objects are frozen with Object.freeze() in constructor and thus immutable.

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(months: NumberOrInteger, days: NumberOrInteger, seconds: NumberOrInteger, nanoseconds: NumberOrInteger)

Member Summary

Public Members

days: NumberOrInteger

The number of days.


months: NumberOrInteger

The number of months.


nanoseconds: NumberOrInteger

The number of nanoseconds.


seconds: NumberOrInteger

The number of seconds.

Public Constructors

public constructor(months: NumberOrInteger, days: NumberOrInteger, seconds: NumberOrInteger, nanoseconds: NumberOrInteger) source


months NumberOrInteger

The number of months for the new duration.

days NumberOrInteger

The number of days for the new duration.

seconds NumberOrInteger

The number of seconds for the new duration.

nanoseconds NumberOrInteger

The number of nanoseconds for the new duration.

Public Members

public days: NumberOrInteger source

The number of days.

public months: NumberOrInteger source

The number of months.

public nanoseconds: NumberOrInteger source

The number of nanoseconds.

public seconds: NumberOrInteger source

The number of seconds.