Home Reference Source
import ResultSummary from 'neo4j-driver-core/lib/result-summary.js'
public class | source


A ResultSummary instance contains structured metadata for a Result.

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(query: string, parameters: Object, metadata: Object, protocolVersion: number | undefined)

Member Summary

Public Members

Counters for operations the query triggered.


database: {name: string}

The database name where this summary is obtained from.

this member is experimental.

A list of GqlStatusObjects that arise when executing the query.


An array of notifications that might arise when executing the query.


plan: Plan | false

This describes how the database will execute the query.


This describes how the database did execute your query.


query: {text: string, parameters: Object}

The query and parameters this summary is for.


queryType: string

The type of query executed.


The time it took the server to make the result available for consumption in milliseconds.


The time it took the server to consume the result.


The basic information of the server where the result is obtained from.

this member was deprecated.

Method Summary

Public Methods

hasPlan(): boolean

Check if the result summary has a plan


hasProfile(): boolean

Check if the result summary has a profile

Public Constructors

public constructor(query: string, parameters: Object, metadata: Object, protocolVersion: number | undefined) source


query string

The query this summary is for

parameters Object

Parameters for the query

metadata Object

Query metadata

protocolVersion number | undefined

Bolt Protocol Version

Public Members

public counters: QueryStatistics source

Counters for operations the query triggered.

public database: {name: string} source

The database name where this summary is obtained from.

public gqlStatusObjects: Array<GqlStatusObject> source

this member is experimental.

A list of GqlStatusObjects that arise when executing the query.

The list always contains at least 1 status representing the Success, No Data or Omitted Result.

When discarding records while connected to a non-gql aware server and using a RxSession, the driver might not be able to tell apart Success and No Data.

All other status are notifications like warnings about problematic queries or other valuable information that can be presented in a client.

The GqlStatusObjects will be presented in the following order:

  • A “no data” (02xxx) has precedence over a warning;
  • A warning (01xxx) has precedence over a success.
  • A success (00xxx) has precedence over anything informational (03xxx)

public notifications: Array<Notification> source

An array of notifications that might arise when executing the query. Notifications can be warnings about problematic queries or other valuable information that can be presented in a client. Unlike failures or errors, notifications do not affect the execution of a query.

public plan: Plan | false source

This describes how the database will execute the query. Query plan for the executed query if available, otherwise undefined. Will only be populated for queries that start with "EXPLAIN".

public profile: ProfiledPlan source

This describes how the database did execute your query. This will contain detailed information about what each step of the plan did. Profiled query plan for the executed query if available, otherwise undefined. Will only be populated for queries that start with "PROFILE".

public query: {text: string, parameters: Object} source

The query and parameters this summary is for.

public queryType: string source

The type of query executed. Can be "r" for read-only query, "rw" for read-write query, "w" for write-only query and "s" for schema-write query. String constants are available in queryType object.

public resultAvailableAfter: number source

The time it took the server to make the result available for consumption in milliseconds.

public resultConsumedAfter: number source

The time it took the server to consume the result.

public server: ServerInfo source

The basic information of the server where the result is obtained from.

public updateStatistics: QueryStatistics source

this member was deprecated.

Use ResultSummary.counters instead.

Public Methods

public hasPlan(): boolean source

Check if the result summary has a plan



public hasProfile(): boolean source

Check if the result summary has a profile

