Member Summary
Public Members | ||
public get |
The bookmark managed used by Driver.executeQuery |
Method Summary
Public Methods | ||
public |
public |
close(): Promise<void> Close all open sessions and other associated resources. |
public |
executeQuery(query: string | {text: string, parameters?: object}, parameters: Object, config: QueryConfig<T>): Promise<T> Executes a query in a retriable context and returns a EagerResult. |
public |
getNegotiatedProtocolVersion(): Promise<number> Returns the protocol version negotiated via handshake. |
public |
getServerInfo(param: Object): Promise<ServerInfo> Get ServerInfo for the giver database. |
public |
isEncrypted(): boolean Returns boolean to indicate if driver has been configured with encryption enabled. |
public |
session(param: SessionConfig): Session Acquire a session to communicate with the database. |
public |
supportsMultiDb(): Promise<boolean> Returns whether the server supports multi database capabilities based on the protocol version negotiated via handshake. |
public |
supportsSessionAuth(): Promise<boolean> Returns whether the driver session re-auth functionality capabilities based on the protocol version negotiated via handshake. |
public |
supportsTransactionConfig(): Promise<boolean> Returns whether the server supports transaction config capabilities based on the protocol version negotiated via handshake. |
public |
supportsUserImpersonation(): Promise<boolean> Returns whether the server supports user impersonation capabilities based on the protocol version negotiated via handshake. |
public |
verifyAuthentication(param: object): Promise<boolean> This method verifies the authorization credentials work by trying to acquire a connection to one of the servers with the given credentials. |
public |
verifyConnectivity(param: Object): Promise<ServerInfo> this method was deprecated. This return of this method will change in 6.0.0 to not async return the {@link ServerInfo} and
async return {@link void} instead. If you need to use the server info, use {@link getServerInfo} instead.
Verifies connectivity of this driver by trying to open a connection with the provided driver options. |
Public Members
public get executeQueryBookmarkManager: BookmarkManager source
The bookmark managed used by Driver.executeQuery
Public Methods
public [Symbol.asyncDispose]() source
public close(): Promise<void> source
Close all open sessions and other associated resources. You should make sure to use this when you are done with this driver instance.
Promise<void> | promise resolved when the driver is closed. |
public executeQuery(query: string | {text: string, parameters?: object}, parameters: Object, config: QueryConfig<T>): Promise<T> source
Executes a query in a retriable context and returns a EagerResult.
This method is a shortcut for a Session#executeRead and Session#executeWrite.
NOTE: Because it is an explicit transaction from the server point of view, Cypher queries using "CALL {} IN TRANSACTIONS" or the older "USING PERIODIC COMMIT" construct will not work (call Session#run for these).
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
query | string | {text: string, parameters?: object} | Cypher query to execute |
parameters | Object | Map with parameters to use in the query |
config | QueryConfig<T> | The query configuration |
Promise<T> |
// Run a simple write query
const { keys, records, summary } = await driver.executeQuery('CREATE (p:Person{ name: $name }) RETURN p', { name: 'Person1'})
// Run a read query
const { keys, records, summary } = await driver.executeQuery(
'MATCH (p:Person{ name: $name }) RETURN p',
{ name: 'Person1'},
{ routing: neo4j.routing.READ})
// Run a read query returning a Person Nodes per elementId
const peopleMappedById = await driver.executeQuery(
'MATCH (p:Person{ name: $name }) RETURN p',
{ name: 'Person1'},
resultTransformer: neo4j.resultTransformers.mappedResultTransformer({
map(record) {
const p = record.get('p')
return [p.elementId, p]
collect(elementIdPersonPairArray) {
return new Map(elementIdPersonPairArray)
const person = peopleMappedById.get("<ELEMENT_ID>")
// these lines
const transformedResult = await driver.executeQuery(
routing: neo4j.routing.WRITE,
resultTransformer: transformer,
database: "<DATABASE>",
impersonatedUser: "<USER>",
bookmarkManager: bookmarkManager
// are equivalent to those
const session = driver.session({
database: "<DATABASE>",
impersonatedUser: "<USER>",
bookmarkManager: bookmarkManager
try {
const transformedResult = await session.executeWrite(tx => {
const result ="<QUERY>", <PARAMETERS>)
return transformer(result)
} finally {
await session.close()
- resultTransformers for provided result transformers.
public getNegotiatedProtocolVersion(): Promise<number> source
Returns the protocol version negotiated via handshake.
Note that this function call always causes a round-trip to the server.
Promise<number> | the protocol version negotiated via handshake. |
Error |
When protocol negotiation fails |
public getServerInfo(param: Object): Promise<ServerInfo> source
Get ServerInfo for the giver database.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
param | Object | The object parameter |
param.database | string | The target database to verify connectivity for. |
public isEncrypted(): boolean source
Returns boolean to indicate if driver has been configured with encryption enabled.
boolean |
public session(param: SessionConfig): Session source
Acquire a session to communicate with the database. The session will borrow connections from the underlying connection pool as required and should be considered lightweight and disposable.
This comes with some responsibility - make sure you always call close when you are done using a session, and likewise, make sure you don't close your session before you are done using it. Once it is closed, the underlying connection will be released to the connection pool and made available for others to use.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
param | SessionConfig | The session configuration |
public supportsMultiDb(): Promise<boolean> source
Returns whether the server supports multi database capabilities based on the protocol version negotiated via handshake.
Note that this function call always causes a round-trip to the server.
Promise<boolean> | promise resolved with a boolean or rejected with error. |
public supportsSessionAuth(): Promise<boolean> source
Returns whether the driver session re-auth functionality capabilities based on the protocol version negotiated via handshake.
Note that this function call always causes a round-trip to the server.
Promise<boolean> | promise resolved with a boolean or rejected with error. |
public supportsTransactionConfig(): Promise<boolean> source
Returns whether the server supports transaction config capabilities based on the protocol version negotiated via handshake.
Note that this function call always causes a round-trip to the server.
Promise<boolean> | promise resolved with a boolean or rejected with error. |
public supportsUserImpersonation(): Promise<boolean> source
Returns whether the server supports user impersonation capabilities based on the protocol version negotiated via handshake.
Note that this function call always causes a round-trip to the server.
Promise<boolean> | promise resolved with a boolean or rejected with error. |
public verifyAuthentication(param: object): Promise<boolean> source
This method verifies the authorization credentials work by trying to acquire a connection to one of the servers with the given credentials.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
param | object | object parameter |
Promise<boolean> | promise resolved with true if succeed, false if failed with authentication issue and rejected with error if non-authentication error happens. |
Return Properties:
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
param.auth | AuthToken | the target auth for the to-be-acquired connection |
param.database | string | the target database for the to-be-acquired connection |
public verifyConnectivity(param: Object): Promise<ServerInfo> source
Verifies connectivity of this driver by trying to open a connection with the provided driver options.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
param | Object | The object parameter |
param.database | string | The target database to verify connectivity for. |