Articles tagged as csv
Changes to metrics.csv reporting from 2.x to 3.x
Metrics reporting is an Enterprise feature which upon enablement allows for the creation of .csv files at a specified interval to record key metrics. This is described in detail at…
Parsing of quotes for LOAD CSV and/or Import
When using LOAD CSV or neo4j-admin import if your data contains quotes they must be properly escaped to be imported otherwise one might encounter the error neo4j-admin import error LOAD…
Properly escaping input data for neo4j-import
When importing data using neo4j-import, make sure to review the required CSV file structure and considerations before moving on. Escaping commas within the CSV: Consider the following string: Use…
Using the ACTUAL data type with neo4j-import
When importing data using neo4j-admin import, make sure to review the required CSV file structure and considerations before moving on. ACTUAL vs. String (default) or Integer: Each node in…