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Protecting against Cypher Injection

What is Cypher Injection?

Cypher Injection is a way for maliciously formatted input to jump out of its context, and by altering the query itself, hijack the query and perform unexpected operations on the database.

This is a cousin to SQL injection, but affects our Cypher query language.

A great illustration demonstrating SQL injection is from the XKCD comic featuring Little Bobby Tables:

Little Bobby Tables

The comic shows a mother who has named her child Robert'; DROP TABLE STUDENTS;--, ensuring that if his name was appended to an SQL statement, through string concatenation with no protections against injection attacks, that the additional quote would close the opened quote from the application, the semicolon would finish the statement, and the -- would comment out the rest of the query, so that syntax errors could be avoided.

Given that Bobby’s mother would likely have continued her crusade, her next child might be named to target Cypher, used by the leading graph database Neo4j. Let’s call them Little Robby Labels.

"Robby' WITH true as ignored MATCH (s:Student) DETACH DELETE s; //"

This is an attempt at Cypher Injection, the equivalent of the SQL Injection attack, but with the deletion of all :Student nodes instead.

If Robby’s school used string concatenation to build their queries, this attack might succeed:

String queryString = "CREATE (s:Student) SET = '" + studentName + "'";

Result result =;

The query that will be run is:

CREATE (s:Student)
SET = 'Robby' WITH true as ignored MATCH (s:Student) DETACH DELETE s; //';

After the Robby node is created, all :Student nodes are found and deleted.

Protecting against Cypher Injection using Parameters

When receiving user input, it is possible to prevent Cypher Injection by using parameters.

In the above example, instead of concatenating the students name with the CREATE query, one should use parameters instead:

Map<String,Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put( "studentName", studentName );

String query =
"CREATE (s:Student)" + "\n" +
"SET = $studentName";

Result result = transaction.execute( query, params );

The parameterized query would look like this:

CREATE (s:Student)
SET = $studentName

When using parameters like this, it is impossible for the parameter to modify the original query, stopping any attempts at Cypher Injection.

This is because parameters are separate from the query. The query alone is compiled into an executable plan, and once compiled, can use any parameter map for execution.

In other words, once a query plan has been compiled, it is set, and nothing in the data submitted to it can change it, alter it, or hijack it.

This type of protection is the easiest and safest way to protect against Cypher Injection on literals. Variables and literals can be replaced as a parameter, unfortunately, not everything in a query is parameterizable.

It is also important to remember that not all injection attacks rely on quotation escaping of string literals. For example the following query, for a number literal, is still vulnerable when not using parameterization:

query = "MATCH (user) WHERE =" + userid + ";"

Where the malicious userid input is: "1 OR 1 = 1 WITH true AS ignored MATCH (all) DETACH DELETE all; //" This can also be easily fixed by using parameters:

MATCH (user) WHERE = $userid;

Parameters and APOC

APOC is a widely used plugin available for installation with Neo4j. The procedures and functions available provide some powerful enhancements that are useful when working with Cypher. The use of parameters is still important here, but it is important to note that string concatenation at this level is still vulnerable to Cypher Injection.

Consider this query:

CALL apoc.cypher.doIt("CREATE (s:Student) SET = '" + $studentName + "' RETURN true", {})
YIELD value
RETURN value;

Even though studentName was passed as a parameter, it will now be concatenated with the CREATE query ready for execution. This concatenation may result in a hijacked query being executed by APOC.

For example, if student name was:

' MATCH (all) DETACH DELETE all; //

This would be executed by APOC as the following query:

CREATE (s:Student) SET = '' MATCH (all) DETACH DELETE all; //' RETURN true

The solution in this case is to continue passing studentName as a parameter to the APOC procedure.

CALL apoc.cypher.doIt("CREATE (s:Student) SET = $name RETURN true", { name: $studentName })
YIELD value
RETURN value;

Little Robby Labels is powerless once more!

Notable APOC procedures:

All of the above listed APOC procedures include a way to pass a parameter map to the call, providing protection against injection attacks.

Types of Injection Attacks

In the previous example we showed how Little Robby could ruin your day by deleting all the data in the database. But this is not the only way a malicious actor can exploit queries by injection.

Information disclosure

Another possible injection vector is when an attacker uses malicious input to read information that they should not have access to.

For example; the attack payload of:

Robby' OR 1=1 RETURN apoc.text.join(collect(, ','); //

Might execute as:

MATCH (s:Student) WHERE = 'Robby' OR 1=1 RETURN apoc.text.join(collect(, ','); //' RETURN;

Returning the names of all the students in the database in one comma separated string. For this method to succeed, the client application needs to be vulnerable to injection as well as sending back the results of the query to the user.

Blind Injection

Blind injection is when the attacker doesn’t aim to fetch the disclosed information from the client response directly, but may obtain it in a different way.

One way this is done is by reacting to the behavior of the application. Let’s assume that a website loads a different page based on the existence result of a query. For example a login page first asks for an email and will then display either a login to continue page or a register to continue page.

query = "MATCH (user) WHERE = '" + email + "' RETURN user IS NOT NULL;"

The result of this query is not returned to the user, instead the application uses the existence of a user to show the next page. In this way, a possible injection could exploit this by triggering different responses conditionally.

For example, Little Robby wants to see what username their brother is registered with:

"' RETURN user.username STARTS WITH 'a';//

If the username starts with an a, the query resolves to true and the login page is shown. In this way, Robby can, character by character, figure out the username belonging to their older brother by systematically checking each character’s response.

Error Based Cypher Injection

Another way of gaining access to information is if the malicious actor exploits the error messages returned by the client application. This can be done by injecting faulty input which will output different error messages, and based on these messages gain sensitive information about the database. This information can be used to craft a more powerful injection with the next payload. This could be as simple as adding an additional quote to see if the server will return the whole db error back. Here is an example of another simple exploit input:

Input: ' RETURN a//

MATCH (s:Student) WHERE = '' RETURN a//' RETURN s;

Which results in the following database error:

Variable `a` not defined (line 1, column 44 (offset: 43))
"MATCH (s:Student) WHERE = '' RETURN a//' RETURN s;"

If the server returns the raw error back, the entire query is now visible, making it easier to send a more specific malicious input back. The attacker now knows the names of at least one label as well as the variables associated with it.

To protect against this, aside from using parameters and sanitizing/validating user input, avoid returning database specific errors to the user and opt for more generic errors.

Query Sanitization

While string concatenation for building queries is generally a bad idea, it is not always possible to avoid it. Node labels, relationship types and property names are notable examples where parameterization is not supported in Cypher.

In these cases it is important to sanitize user inputs. Sanitization is the modification of input to ensure that it is valid. In the case of Cypher, this usually means escaping quotation or removing delimiters which would prematurely be interpreted as the end of a string literal or identifier. Sanitization should always be done when accepting untrusted external input and may be needed other times, see second order injections for more information.

It is recommended that this sanitization is done at the client level, before passing it down to the database.

Escape Characters in Cypher

Escape characters invoke an alternative meaning on the following characters in the sequence. In Cypher, the definition of string literals and identifiers such as node labels can be done with the opening and closing of certain characters that can also be used inside the expression given it is escaped correctly.

In the following sections we will explain how to escape delimiters of different Cypher types.

Cypher Type Character Type Character Escape Sequence

String Literals

Single Quote


\' or \u005c'

Unicode Single Quote


\u005c\u0027 or \\u0027

Double Quote


\" or \u005c"

Unicode Double Quote


\u005c\u0022 or \\u0022


Backtick Quote



Unicode Identifiers


\u0060\u0060 or `\u0060

String Literals

String literals are started and ended with either a single quote ' or a double quote ". These can be escaped using a backslash \. Backslashes in string literals are escaped using another backslash \.


Node labels, relationship types, parameters, variables, function names, and map keys follow a set of naming rules. However, it is possible to have an arbitrary name using backticks. For example, you could use a space in an identifier:

CREATE (n:`Fancy Name`);

To use a backtick within such a name, it must be escaped using another backtick `.

For more information on escape characters, see the Cypher Manual on Expressions and Naming rules and recommendations.

When Sanitization is Necessary

Node labels, relationship types and parameters may contain non-alphabetic characters, including numbers, symbols and whitespace characters, but must be escaped using backticks. For example: node label with spaces. This means that when dynamically building a query using string concatenation, sanitization needs to be done on the escaping of backticks. In Cypher, a backtick is escaped using another backtick ``. For other types, for example string literals, that are opened and closed with either single quotes ' or double quotes ", the sanitization would be done by escaping the quote character with a backslash \. Note that where string literals can be used, so can parameters, and it is recommended to always parameterize instead of only sanitize the input to avoid Cypher Injection.

Here is an example of a simple dynamic label injection attack:

query = "MATCH (s:School)-[:IN]→(c:`" + cityName + "`) RETURN s;

With this query we want to search for all schools that are in a certain city, unfortunately our city names are Node Labels, so it isn’t possible to parameterize the input.

A possible attack input would be:

Input = `) RETURN 1 as a UNION MATCH (n) RETURN 1 WITH true AS ignored MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n; //

The backtick escapes the label name context and the parentheses closes the node. The UNION here then ensures that a match is made, because if the first MATCH statement doesn’t return anything, the next part of the query won’t be run. The WITH reduces the result set down to one row and then the final part will delete everything in the database.

This attack was not possible to avoid using parameterization. To avoid this attack sanitization must be used.

The best protection against Cypher Injection is to always parameterize user input. If possible, update your data model to avoid needing to query using dynamic labels. In this example, the refactoring would be to move the city name to a parameter.

MATCH (s:School)-[:IN]→(c: City { name: $cityName }) RETURN s;

It is possible to add validation to the user input as well, in this case, validating the city name is a real city name before passing it into the database, and rejecting it otherwise.

The sanitization needed for this query is escaping the additional backtick character.

SanitizedInput = ``) RETURN 1 as a UNION MATCH (n) RETURN 1 WITH true AS ignored MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n; //

The additional backtick added now ensures that the entire string is used as the node label, and not able to break out of that context.

The unicode character for the backtick; \u0060 will also resolve to a backtick and needs to be sanitized. When handling user input, it is important that the programming language the client is written in is taken into account. For example, the input: \u005C\u00750060 may be resolved before being passed to the database as \u0060 (\u005C is backslash \, and \u0075 is u), which will then be resolved by the database as a backtick!

Writing your own sanitization function can be tricky. That is why it is highly recommended to avoid string concatenation and design your database in such a way that user input is not needed to dynamically query based on node labels, relationship types and parameters.

Validation and Sanitization Common Exploits

Sanitization can also be used as a technique to clean up user input. Another way of keeping the input safe and clean is to use validation. Validation checks the input and makes sure it meets a set of certain criteria and will reject the input if it does not, in comparison to sanitization which cleans the input only. Validation can be used alongside sanitization. Keep in mind that both techniques come with risks.

Whitespace checks

Checking user input for whitespace sounds like a good way to avoid injection, and in some cases it would work, consider the example:

"Robby' MATCH (s:Student) DETACH DELETE s; //"

A validation check for whitespace would flag this query as invalid, but checking for whitespace alone isn’t enough. In Cypher using block comments to replace whitespaces is also valid, the following query would, therefore, pass whitespace validation checks:


Note that in this case, filtering for /**/ is still not enough as block comments can, themselves, contain random ignorable characters: /**thisisacomment**/.

Checking for and cleaning up whitespace may be useful for your application, but shouldn’t be relied upon as a secure way of avoiding Cypher Injection.

Unicode Encoding

Another common exploit around input validation and sanitization is unicode encoding. Unicode encoding is where characters are encoded into their unicode equivalent. For example; the single quote character ' can be encoded as \u0027. When sanitizing a string for the removal of escape quotation characters, it is important to also check for the unicode equivalent. The following query doesn’t look like it escapes the string at first glance:

"Robby\u0027 MATCH (s:Student) DETACH DELETE s; //"

But in reality, Cypher will resolve the unicode into a single quote and treat it as such in the compilation of the query.

When validating input such as usernames, it is often done to check the absence of reserved keywords, such as admin. Unicode encoding can be used as another common bypass for this. For example the user input \u0061\u0064\u006d\u0069\u006e is the unicode for admin:

CREATE (n {username: '\u0061\u0064\u006d\u0069\u006e'}) RETURN n.username
Table 1. Results


String Concatenation

Another method to bypass validation of particular keywords is using string concatenation in the injection. For example, validation that the user isn’t setting their username to admin could be bypassed with the injection:

"ad' + 'min"

This can be avoided by escaping the delimiter.

Second Order Injections

A second order injection occurs when the input is successfully filtered and sanitized the first time it is used and is then stored in the database. When the application uses the value another time, the malicious code is executed.

For example; Little Robby Labels sets up an account with their username set as:

LilRob' OR 1=1 WITH true AS hacked MATCH (all) DETACH DELETE all; //

As the username is received from the user directly, our application sets it using a parameter.

Map<String,Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put( "username", username );

String query =
"CREATE (u:User)" + "\n" +
"SET u.username = $username";

Result result = transaction.execute( query, params );

The parameterized query would look like this:

CREATE (u:User) SET u.username = $username;

Now that an account is made, Little Robby Tables logs in and goes to the settings to change their username. The database retrieves their current username and uses client-side string concatenation to build a query to update it.

query = "MATCH (u:User) WHERE u.username = '" + username + "' SET u.username = $newUsername;"

This query is executed as:

MATCH (u:User) WHERE u.username = 'LilRob' OR 1=1 WITH true AS hacked MATCH (all) DETACH DELETE all; //' SET u.username = $newUsername;

The malicious code is now run, and all users are deleted! This is why sanitization should continue to be used, even when the input doesn’t appear to be coming directly from a user.

Role Based Privileges

Principle of Least Privilege

The principle of least privilege is the idea that a program or user should have the bare minimum of privileges needed to perform their function. For example, if your application is only reading data, then it should have read only access to that data. The benefit of this is that in the case of a Cypher Injection attack, an injected query is not able to manipulate the data, as the role executing the hijacked query is limited to only reading data. DBMS restrictions for what is available for execution can be controlled with role based privileges (RBAC) as well as in the configuration. With Neo4j, a range of fine-grained access control is available in Enterprise Edition, which can add another layer of protection in case of an injection attack. See here for more information on role based privileges in Neo4j.

Importing Data

Not all inputs can be submitted as parameters. Maybe some malicious input made it into a CSV file for processing. A CSV of the names of new students for the year, for example.

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///students_2021.csv" AS row
CREATE (s:Student)
SET s.year = 2021, = row.student_name

Is this vulnerable to Little Robby Labels?

No, it is not. Cypher Injection is still impossible here, even though parameters can’t be used for the row data.

The LOAD query is independent of the CSV that is to be processed. This means that, regardless of the content of each row, the content cannot affect or hijack the query itself.