Favorites for cypher-shell?
The Neo4j Browser has always had the ability to record favorites
, i.e. a bookmark to saved cypher that you may want to run sometime in the future.
has somewhat similar functionality in that once connected one can run
Connected to Neo4j using Bolt protocol version 4.2 at neo4j://localhost:7687 as user neo4j. Type :help for a list of available commands or :exit to exit the shell. Note that Cypher queries must end with a semicolon. neo4j> :source favorite1.cyp
and to which this will cause cypher-shell to run all the cypher statements that are defined in favorite1.cyp
. Note you can fully qualify the filename, and thus
neo4j> :source /home/neo4j/favorites/fav1.cyp
and to which this will then cause cypher-shell to execute all the cypher statements in the file namd fav1.cyp
as found at /home/neo4j/favorites
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