Explanation of error "Cannot merge node using null property value for"
When running a MERGE, which is a combination of MATCH and/or CREATE one may
encounter an error of Cannot merge node using null property value for
if the MERGE is performing a MATCH against a null property.
For example, when using the following input file, test.csv
101,Emil Eifrem, Neo001
102,Mary Smith, Neo002
,Joseph Wilson-contractor, Neo003
and such that the 3rd value in the CSV has a NULL id
property, if one runs
load csv with headers from 'file:///test.csv' as row
merge (emp:Employee {id: row.id}) set emp.name=row.name, emp.employee_numer=row.employee_number;
this will error with
Cannot merge node using null property value for id
One can avoid this error by rerunning the cypher statement as
load csv with headers from 'file:///test.csv' as row with row where row.id is not null
merge (emp:Employee {id: row.id}) set emp.name=row.name, emp.employee_numer=row.employee_number;
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